Additional Reading and Resources with Chi-chi

Additional Reading and Resources

Chi-chi Nwanoku, double bassist

Articles By Chi-chi

Lack of Gender Balance and Ethnic Diversity in Classical Music

Let the People Clap When They Want

What I’d Tell My Younger Self

BBC Radio with Chi-chi (audio file – available only thru late September 2017)

Europe’s First Black & Ethnic Minority Orchestra, by Chi-chi Nwanoku

Performance: Telling a Story, by Chi-chi Nwanoku

Chi-chi Nwanoku double bass, LondonTwenty for Twenty Essay, by Chi-chi Nwanoku (PDF file)

String Magazine, Dragonetti Review, by Chi-chi Nwanoku (PDF file)

What Gets My Goat, by Chi-chi Nwanoku (PDF file)

Articles About Chi-chi

New Kids on the Block from BBC Music NEW!

A Revolutionary with Tact NEW!

Bob Marley Gets the Orchestra Treatment
– Hear Chineke’s Bob Marley Album on Spotify

BBC Music Magazine -August 2020 – Celebrating Chi-chi Nwanoku and Chineke! Foundation

She Was the Orchestra’s Only Black Musician….from New York Times

Royal Albert Hall Interview with Chi-chi

The Bath Magazine: Interview with Chi-chi

Chi-chi’s Speech Delivered at Bank of England

Chi-chi Places in Top Ten in BBC’s Women of Hour Power List

BBC News: Music Lessons Being Stripped Out of Schools in England

Chi-chi Nwanoku OBE Wins First Commonwealth Cultural Enterprise Award For Women In Music In Commonwealth Businesswomen Awards

Inside Chineke: Europe’s First Black and Minority Ethnic Orchestra

Inspirational Real-Life Stories About Seven Chineke Musicians

Chi-chi’s Classic Tale of Real Talent

A Classical Legacy and an African Heritage

Q&A: Chi-chi Nwanoku on Chineke’s Debut Concert – Interview in The Amati Magazine. 9/2015

Speed Interview with Chi-chi Nwanoku, from OAE’s Blog

Early Music Today, Interview (PDF file)

Music Teacher Magazine (PDF file)

Premiere of Tales from the Bass Line Documentary (PDF file)

Mayor’s Fund for Young Musicians, (PDF file)

All Things Strings – Chi-chi Nwanoku is a Titan on the Stage

Classical Star

Rankin’s Front Row

Hyperion Records

Endymion Ensemble

The Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment

Amati Ensemble

The Queen’s Birthday Honours List

Radio Broadcasts with Chi-chi

BBC Radio 3 Requests

Radio 3 Profile

BBC Radio 3: Saturday Classics

BBC Radio 3: Recording Review

Swedish Radio

BBC Radio 4: Desert Island Discs